[MARRIED] is a one-day, customizable, virtual retreat that seeks to help couples have marriages that thrive and not just survive. Paul and Gretchen George present engaging sessions throughout the day, using humor and parts of their own story to share about their journey of marriage. The talks will center around the beauty of marriage, God’s design for the vocation of marriage, and addressing the difficult aspects of marriage. Through it all, marriage is worth it… worth your investment of time, energy, and resources. When couples embrace the beauty and the messiness, marriages become what they are meant to be. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enrich your marriage! By completing this retreat, you will also get to join a Marriage Support Network that will connect you with other couples striving to have a holy and fruitful marriage.
This retreat is for married folks who want to invest in their marriage. If you are an engaged couple, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming [ENGAGED] events. This day is not for dating couples, but if you want to contact us about helping you one-on-one, feel free to reach out through our coaching/mentoring form.
[MARRIED] is designed for marriages in every season and in all places. It can help enrich a healthy relationship, rejuvenate a mediocre one, or help begin the restoration of a relationship that is struggling.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

“ Do like the trees: change the leaves, but keep the roots. So, change your ideas, but keep your principles.” – Victor Hugo