THE ART OF LIVING is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization making an impact in the lives of those we encounter. Your donation is tax-deductible and a wonderful way to support our mission.



Select the method and initiative below that best accommodates your giving.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly at:

We offer donations through the following corporate platforms. Click on the option that best suits your preferred giving.

The Art of Living General Impact

This Campaign is our newest initiative aimed at producing a wide variety of Catholic content – videos, podcasts, and other resources – to assist in our ministries and outreaches. Your monetary support will assist in providing the necessary renovations, updates, and equipment necessary for this nationwide digital impact.

Studio Capital Campaign

As we continue our partnership with RENEW, our parish-based ministry, we need your help to bring the RENEW retreat experience to participants who cannot otherwise afford to attend a retreat. You can gift this donation to a specific couple, person, or parish or you can simply give your support to the general scholarship fund.

Renew Retreat Scholarships